lágrimas negras

En la vida hay amores que nunca pueden olvidarse,
Imborrables momentos que siempre guarda el corazón,
Porque aquello que un día nos hizo temblar de alegría
Es mentira que hoy puedo olvidarse con un nuevo amor.
He besado otros labios buscando nuevas ansiedades
Y otros brazos extraños me estrechan llenos de emoción,
Pero sólo consiguen hacerme recordar los tuyos
Que inolvidablemente vivirán en mí...
Ok, so I can make out "black tears" and a few other words, but do you mind translating the whole thing? Thanks and thanks for stopping by :)
thank u google
In life there are loves that we can never forget, Imborrables (?) moments that we always keep in our heart , Because what a day made us shake of joy It is lie that today I can forget with a new love. I have kissed other lips looking for new anxieties and other strange arms narrow emotion plenty to me, But they are only able to make me remember yours Who unforgettably will live in my '...
its not good english but u get the whole idea
google suck
but thx az anyway (k)
i got the translation from the booklet itself (Bebo&cigala - lagrimas negras)
here u go..
In life there are loves one can never forget,
indelible moments etched in the heart,
what made us tremble with joy one day
today a new love cannot make us forget
i have kissed other lips in search of new yearnings
and different arms hold me filled with emotion
but they only succeed in reminding me of yours
that will unforgettably live in me
thx fouad for dropping a comment..hope u like the lyrics. very impressed by your photos..keep it up!
beautiful. Thanks farah and az.
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