7aki neswen

Monday, February 28, 2005

7aki neswen




Posted by Hello

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind won best original screenplay in the oscars last night!
great movie


c'est sti ben beau comme tune lo (i.e.: must download!!!)


Artist - Les Trois Accords
Album - Gros Mammouth

Un beau matin
Je suis parti au loin
Aller mener mon troupeau
en Ontario
j'ai laissé ma femme
en Saskatchewan

j'lui ai dit bientot
tu vas voir un chapeau
ça va etre le mien
J'vais etre au bout du chemin
Tu vas dire là mon mari
Qui arrive de la prairie

Mais à mon retour
Mon bel amour
M'avait sacré là
Pour un gars d'Regina
J'ai pris mon chapeau
Pis mon lasso
Et je noye ma peine
Dans les bars de la plaine

Tu m'a pris ma femme
À ma crisser là
Pour un gars d'Regina

tu m'as pris ma femme
depuis qu'est parti
moé cht'un gars fini

tu m'as pris ma femme
mon ch'val me parle pu
mes vaches me disent tu

tu ma pris ma femme
ma prendre mon lasso
pis ma t'crisser ds leau

tu m'as pris ma femme

shapeless gap



Sunday, February 27, 2005

Assssssalamou 3alaykom wa ra7matoullahi wa barakatou

yo yo yo kif a7walkoum
ana marra marra ishtaqtilkoum
wa akhiran moumkin iqra2koum
3al cambutar bisma3 akhbarkoum

lame attempt to rhyme in whatever arabic slang i might know...
please feel free to make fun!!
im kinda sick now so pls bare with me... the fluids in my head and the fluids in my nose are not getting along... ill spare u the graphic details <-_->
i'm really glad we're back, and joyce it's always cool to hear from you, and postal service is da bomb. there's also Keane...

I'm out... kind of in a grumpy mood.
miss u all guys

uploading pics

ok guys to upload pics on the blog

go to www.hello.com and click on download

click on i've already got an account take me to the download page , its on the bottom of the page

once hello is downloaded, open it

write the username and password of the blog

click on send pictures/use explorer, chose the picture u want to uplaod
then click on bloggerbot/send
then write the caption in the box and click on publish

the caption will be the title of the pic
if u want to add something else
u can edit the post later on the blog



Mémoire Visuelle

Posted by Hello

+azzouz+... e7em


LOOK WHAT I FOUND! lool 5 years ago azza was having dinner with her fox medri wen..bel lamounia i think..fa she calls me w bet2elli GUESS WHO'S HERE! MICHO! LOOL kenna ktir netmaskhar 3leh..so i was like PUT HIM ON I WANNA TALK TO HIM! haha it was hilarious...i pretended i was his biggest fan! and then asked him to sign me an autograph and send it with azza..here's azza's (ntebho 3ala rasmet el iden 7ad "eleeeek" lool) -succubus- Posted by Hello

Gucci Gucci Gouuu

Posted by Hello

so cute
but suicidal...


ya bashar ya jaben

shil klebak min lebnen!
eh walla ya jame3a lyom ri7it 3ala na2feddin Lebanese Protest in Los Angeles....it was AMAZING, so many lebanese people came, akid so many didn't bother to show up but i'm an optimist and the cup is half full....or maybe just too big!
no seriously, it was awesome, so akid we chanted and screamed and i have no voice anymore, for over two hours i was screaming, it was heaven! so yeah it was funny to hear what people invented for this occasion...
"ma bidna majles nouwweb, lal souri we2ef bouwweb"
" wa7ad tnen tleteh lebnen ya 7ayeteh, tleteh tnen wa7ad lebnen kilna wa7ad (or bashar baddou wa7ad lol)"
"ya allah ya jabbar, akahdt el Hafez khod Bashar" haha
the list goes on and on and on
w akid, ra2asna w jibna el derbakeh w dabakna w killou...la an na7na el lebneniyeh iza ma fi shi tishtik tamtam ma khasna bil deneh! no anjad ntabahtou innou ktir ilna mara2 nghanni win za22ef...

eh w hek
that's all for now u guys
and yes it was me who went to the persian party...

love to all,


PS: i read the poems again, and i understood them...i wasn't really thinking when i read them awwal shi...i like them actually!!!

'do i have a future in photography?' aka 'vanilla sky'

azzouz Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 26, 2005

postal service

ok u guys
i must admit azzouz this was ...a really smart way of "enhancing" communication
i like it! i hope we all take advantage of this...
so...here goes guys

i hate SUNDAYs...and Mondays..actually right now i seem to hate ALL week days
so why should This one be any different!? fucking Saturdays

i went to rugby practice today ...
yes people i m a rookie for ASU Rugby team
what does that mean? well it means i was recently recruited on the team and i m learning the ways...
usually practice is fun
except this one..was HARD
so much running ...
i swear i keep reminding myself how bad of a shape i m in

perhaps it s the excessive fat in my body
perhaps it s the lack of exercise
perhaps it s a genetic flaw- wishful thinking..

perhaps it s karma?
as u can c the list goes on..
process of rationalization is quite a captivating defense mechanism isnt!?
TO rationalize or NOT to rationalize ...WHO AM I !

ok enough
so rugby practice was hard
i m fat
life is over

honestly though guys i need to get my act together
and lose this weight
i dont know why
it s a matter of self esteem again
and i need to take charge

i saw a documentary about how psychosocial-cultural factors have propagated this phenomenon where women evaluate themselves as Human Beings based on what the scale says
and in a way i think it s true
and so sad
still...it gets to me !!!
yes damn i am admiting to the WORLD-starting with u guys that is...
i feel weak, out of control, and semi discontent with Life when i m fat

it s not about the compliments u get or the way people look at u
it s the way i c myself

u know it s like when u used to be really good at something and u stop for a couple of years
and then u try to get back on that track and u cant seem to run that 1 mile (when u used to run like 10..or something)
well that s where i m at
+ school isnt that great
i mean i did really well last semester but i m going down hill as we speak!

nb// for all of those who dont know ...never knew...or keep forgetting it s psychology and political science ..yes that s what i m doing in school
and when do i graduate?? I m not sure...it could go anywhere from next xmas to two years...
i know however that i will be taking summer I and i wont go to leb til July or somethg

(on a separate note can u guys try to ignore the repetitive use of the word 'somethg' in this email?thanks i appreciate it...)

other than that
i m currently all about postal service and notwist
two separate bands
two very similar types of music
u guys should give it a shot
i love it!!!
absolutely love Postal Service

u guys should definitely buy the cd..or most likely download the whole cd and LISTEN to it
and i mean all of it...it s as good as coldplay's 2nd cd ...u know?u just put in it..and 4get about it
....it s also a good study cd

i m happy
all in all
i am happy
what about u guys?
are u ok
what s going
hoda for real what s up in ur world?
well actually i dont want to discriminate ..for the exception of Mona and Azzouz (with whom i have also yet to catch up on lost time...)
i m just completely out of the loop with u all Carla, Farah, MARYA

so u guys should all write!!!
love u though...a lot.

trop trop
ciao bellaz


battata batenjen

oulou 3anni mastouleh bas ma fhemet hayda el che3er ( or whatever u wanna call it) yalli nkatab bi le chale volant.
ba3den shu hal asme2 el titles haydol..hahaha, walla 7asseh 7ali mitil el atrach bil zaffeh!
this is such a good idea though...walla khalas kil yom bfi2 w b2elkon shu sar ma3i mberha!!!
walla ya sitteti el kiram, sarli isbou3 3am itwa7am 3ala chawerma, so mbere7 was gonna be THE day yalli la7 ekol fi, but kil shi tfarkach and by the time i got to the restaurant to eat, battal jeyeh 3ala beli! nfa2asset fikon t2oulou!
oh yeah i went to a persian party the night before...divouneh divouneh...haha it was fun...people at first thought i was white and they started looking at me weird, so ba3den 7attou arabi am ana hon jannet ballachet ghanni w khla3et so everyone was like: "oh my god! she's not white! she must be lebanese!" lol.
eh w hek...
bon tayyeb 7aj ba2a ta2 7anak, la7 sir adrab min el dames de salon
ciao ciao

finding spinsterland

Days r passing by and i still cant imagine myself getting married!ok u'll tell me im only 20 but i mean like even in 5 or 10 yrs, it freaks me out, this, the idea of settling down, compromise, be sort of dependant of someone...
i feel like im growing in every single way except when it comes to comitments...i dont know whats wrong with me but i sure must have hit my head very hard when i was a child...
i guess i love being independant so much at this time that i'd marry it...hope its just a phase

when it comes to friendship...thats another issue, let's just say my friends r very important to me
So...Days r passing by and i feel im missing on a lot of stuff. WE r litterarly aux quatres coins de la terre canada, usa(usa alone is 2 coins), france, leb and i know nothing about ur everyday life!ok we call each others on bdays, xmas etc...only on big events...but u know what!i'd rather know about the little stuff so...
cookidougher, coukiedougherette, here, u can talk about anything, everything, an idea, a movie, a place u've been, a moment, a look, a poster, a vegetable, an umbrella, a taxi driver...really ANYTHING
i officially declare this blog open
a vos claviers!


Il ya de quoi! QUOI?!

It's funny how all of a sudden *les femmes de salon* start talking about the current political state of the country.I used to find it amusing to sit around and listen to them talking about the new summer collection. I don't mean to say that housewives are stupid bimbos ..or maybe i do!
