and that everything's ok
then u cry a pool of tears
and sit beside it
that's when u start feeling sorry for urself
phase 2:
trying to recover
but those flashbacks keep coming back
stare at the mirror
convince yourself u can do it
go out! put ur favourite mask on
sit on the bar
order your least favourite drink
hide your face..
ignore the bar tender
get yourself drunk
then go back home,and regret it
make stupid phone calls..and then again,regret it
phase 3:
back to phase 1
self pity might help
phase 4:
watch the cartoon network
eat at least 6 meals a day
turn off ur phone
go to the movies
make stupid decisions (dont forget to mastubate before u do that)
meet new ppl n then ditch them
stay in bed all day long
phase 5:
go through a period of serious self-doubt and self-loathing
realize how stupid u were..and still are
skip classes
get some tiktaks
then one day ull get a phone call that will turn your world into a living hell
ull cry for a couple of days
then recover..and move on
OR u can save some time and just ..die
but it's not really worth it
i can see the light again
God bless America (with a capital A,plz!)