005/ el 3am zaki chronicle/ Paris VS london

yo yooo me brothers it's been a while
actually no it hasnt
well i wanted to share some ideas with u
yes this week end, unlike other week ends, i had a lot of thoughts which i wanted to write down but i didnt have much time so i said ill remember them and write them on the blog but of course i'm getting old and my brain is deceiving me day after day
but i'll try to remember as much as possible
ok so i went to london this week end and it was very weird
first i remember when i was 12 i wanted to go there so bad coz
i've always thought it was the coolest city in the world
and i know i've been in paris for 4 years now but i never got the chance to go to london coz NO ONE wanted to go with me and i hate to go alone so!!
i finally went last week end to see my brotha from anotha motha
it was raining all the time (except when when i was going back to paris, thanks 3anjad) , so the rumor turned out to be right but i the city is great u feel like playing monopoly when u read the streets' names
i mean it's very european, kinda looks like paris if u take off the buses and the taxis and u put everything back to the left
but u have no idea how much these stuff gives the city a whole other aspect
but i cant give the point to london nor paris because in spite of the similarities, each city has its charm, smth i cant explain u have to see it
the underground oh my god it's so funny
it's like 2m high so a claustrophobic person would certainly feel sick in it
bas it's so cute kootchi kootchi
but ill have to pick notre metro national, it's easier to take and more confortable
so serna london 0, paris 1
and pple are very nice UNLIKE parisians and their accent is soooo sexy mannn yummi
and they're kinda weird, i mean teenagers go out at night dressed in tshirts and girls in skirts and it was freeziiinggg.
pple r cool there, they take it easy and they have this constant need of feeling different, otherwise they feel insulted this is why they drive on the right side i guess
so london 1 for their kindness, craziness and authenticity, paris 1
now let's talk about money
well london is without any doubt more expensive than paris so london 1, paris 2
and they have a starbucks between two starbucks!
2 points for that woohoo!!!!
london 3, paris 2
o i forgot to give paris 1 point for the weather not that paris' weather is great! but the stupid rain all this week end really pissed me off
bad london bad!!!
london 3 paris 3
it feels like when ure talking to ur kid and his friend and u tell them: u both won
so that they wont feel bad lol!
no im gonna make a choice!
ill give my last point to London because....they sell redbull!!!! niaahniahniah
yeah never underestimate redbulls baby
ok so
continue? quit?
to sum up i had a very nice week end
i'll go back again for sure!
'paris tu sais que je t'aime...'